Thursday 7 June 2007

Friday 27 April 2007

Poker Night

Poker night got off to a slow start. Katharine and Fred popped on round. Praise the lord for Fred who basically had to coach the pair of us with the basics of poker. Top fella! Snacks were rapidly demolished as Kat and I became wrapped up in the game. Addictive to say the least. Karen and Spence were a touch late as their work / life balance is rubbish ;-).

Previn rocked up as well to make it a tidy little set up. Once the basics were ironed out we all got on it. Cash wasn't involved this time as the newbie was a little too strong.

Spencer started off aggressive and only got worse. Think some action is required to help him get that worked out... Hopefully the big fella's 40th birthday celebrations will prove fruitful. Either that or I'll shout him a hooker, and with his poker skills he'll be flat broke soon so I'll have to pay for it anyways...

Karen clearly has mad skillz and took us all to the cleaners. I did make a valiant attempt towards the end but to be honest she was just toying with me. Oo-er.

All in all a great night which will be repeated this Saturday. Money is on the table this time. $20 buy in with a no chip limit Texas Hold'em tournament planned.

Big Duncan, who was sorely missed, is back in the Dam with a few peeps from Berlin I think. Great to have him join us for the next poker session. Mainly to take his cash of course... ;-)

Game on people. Can't wait.

Have yourself a wonderful Queens day everyone.

Another day another dollar...

This is just another dull blog entry.

Why is it that random people think anyway else would be interested in their inane ramblings..

Fuck Knows.


Tuesday 17 April 2007

Phoenix from the flames...

Event: Texas Hold'em Poker
Location & Time: Korte Koningsstraat, 14 HS; 19:30
Initiator: Phill
New Guest(s): Fred, Spencer, Karen, Katharine (via Phill)

After a disgraceful few weeks, all my responsibility I might add, things are back on track. Ish. Poaching Duncan's great but unimplemented idea poker night is back in the zone. Drinks, nibbles and if Decathlon can deliver the goods at a cheap price then poker visors for all! :-)

Newbies most welcome as I am one myself. Rules are pretty standard (i.e. I don't have a clue and Duncan can help out on this one) and it's a simple €20 buy in with winner takes the pot at the end of the night.

Time-outs and further gambling opportunity will be provided courtesy of Nintendo and an assortment of sporty challenges. Tennis elbow anyone. I knew those visors would come in handy for something else.

Get onboard people, as Duncan mentioned in the last blog now is the time to pull together. Get some blue sky thinking in the house and let this ship sail once again.

You know it makes sense.

Increase the peace.

Extraordinary Annual Meeting

So this is the third Tuesday morning in a row with nothing planned for the evening. Perhaps it's time we admit the perception is reality, that we need to get our ducks in a row and sunset this.

The evidence follows:

1. Failure to provide sufficient notice for events
2. Failure to secure new members
3. Failure to retain new members
4. Failure for anyone to source new guests, apart from Previn, who is naturally a popular chap.

If we decide to proceed, we'll need a commitment and concerted effort to build momentum and effect rapid expansion in the short term. We have had our differences in the past, but now is the time to join together and push forward as a team.

So, if you want to see CvdDN survive, let's see some online support and action. Or there will be no more sweaty photos of Phill on the Internet and we'll all be the poorer for it.

Night Four - Meltdown

Event: Texas Hold'em Poker
Location: HMNZS Taniwha, da Costakade 314 (t-o 42), 1053WP Amsterdam
Initiator: Duncan
New Guest: Tyler Durden (via Duncan)

Lots of interest but few takers meant either Phill or I would be doubling our money at the poker table. Plans were made, but I dropped the ball when Pinky turned up only half an hour late, throwing my expectations right out the window. Not willing to sit in a pub for 20 minutes, he headed home and the Tuesday Night Club suffered its first washout.

Looks like someone has gone all London on us...

Tuesday 3 April 2007

Phill's dropped the ball

Hey everyone, Pinky hasn't come up with an event for tonight, so I am proposing a Texas Hold'em Poker Night on board the HMNZS Taniwha (da Costakade 314) from 7:30 pm. We'll play three rounds without cash to give n00bz a hang of the rules, then €10 buys in, with strictly one opportunity to buy back. Green visors optional.

Wednesday 28 March 2007

Night Three - Previn takes a dive for the team

Event: Laser Maxx
Location: Cafe de Kluis, Prins Hendrikkade 194, 1011TD Amsterdam
Cafe Cuba, Nieuwmarkt 3, 1011JP Amsterdam
Initiator: Previn
New Guest: Chris (via Previn)

It's just as well Previn took a runner from the Gonzales family, cause he is a shit shot.

Our throats were in our mouths this evening as we arrived at the lovely Cafe de Kluis. With only four people, we were apprehensive about the worthwhilenessity of playing laser tag. How wrong we were. Fun times were had by all. Pathetic strategy combined with lack of fitness to ensure that all teams were evenly matched. Accusations and recrimations are bound to fly but suffice it to say that Cyclone and Rocky IV came out on top against Joker and Top Gun.

It was sweaty work though, and Phill came out looking like he had a Donnie Darko bunny on his hoodie...

With the winners firmly enthroned, the Club retired, sweaty and jovial, to the nearby warmth of the Nieuwmarkt and Cafe Cuba. There we enjoyed a final couple of beers and Chris elucidated us on 1- why British girls are slappers and 2 -why the Americans who travel are the cool Americans, which left me wondering why it is so hard to get gay marriage laws passed in the States. I guess the overseas vote there is a killer.

P.S. The blog site notes inform me that in the last week, zero hits have been received. Pathetic. Even my Antarctica blog got more.

P.P.S. Low turnout this evening necessitated Phill contacting Antoinette from last week who didn't remember us and then began to chastise my spelling of "tot ziens". Antoinette is now the inaugrual member of the Tier Previn Minus One. Good luck getting out of that one, love.

Wednesday 21 March 2007


maybe there is nothing to do but to face destiny, face the consequences of my actions and face the Tuesday Night Club.. next Tuesday we, the Tuesday Night Club will be...

helping previn clean his apartment. :)

just kidding, next tuesday we'll be entering a futuristic world, where boobie-traps, robots and mines surround us.. armed each with an energy pack, we will be playing.. LASER-TAG!


The Gonzales family have um.. asked me to leave. According to them I have inconsiderate eating and hygene habits or as Mr Gonzales put it "You leave no food for us and you stink up the house.. Now get your filthy hands out of those empanadas and GET OUT!"

I am on the run again..

On the run..

From the moment I realized I double-booked last night, I'd been planning get-away strategies to escape the wrath of the other TNC members.. which is why I am writing this blog from an island some 400 kilometers southwest of the border city of Tijuana in Baja California state, in the Pacific Ocean.. I hope they will not find me as I fear for my life.

Here the kind family Gonzales have allowed me to stay at their humble abode and provide cover and food for me. I have asked them to alert me immediately should they see a pair of suspicious looking and menacing characters - one with a stomach that extends past the length of a mid-sized vehicle and with an illuminated face (red in color) - easy to detect really; the second more stealthy character would be more difficult to notice as he is below the line of sight of most - even Anna, the Gonzales family's 6 year old daughter. However you can usually hear his chastising and bellowing many miles away..

I hope I will be safe here.. at least for a while

Night Two - Let's Get Previn!

Event: Jazz at Cafe Alto, Reggaeton at Amsterdamned and Blues at Bourbon Street
Location: Cafe Alto, Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 115, 1017PX Amsterdam
Cafe Amsterdamned, Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 24a, 1017PP Amsterdam
Pianobar Maxim, Leidsekruisstraat 35, 1017RG, Amsterdam
Bourbon Street, Leidsekruisstraat 6-8, 1017RH Amsterdam
Initiator: Phill/Duncan
New Guest: Philippe Chaput (via Duncan)/Antoinette (via Pianobar Maxim)

There were some low spirits in Amsterdam on Monday morning when Previn revealed he had doubled booked his Tuesday and reneged on his Tuesday Night Club duties, leaving us in the lurch. Various discussions on censure and punitive measures have been discussed and administrative justice will be meted out in good measure and in good time.

However, a ray of sunshine appeared on the horizon with the news that our old ami-about-ville, M. Chaput was visiting Amsterdam on the pretext and ruse of work, but would meet us in the evening. Rendezvous was at Cafe Alto, a rather nice live jazz joint. Bigger things beckoned however, and we found ourselves dragged into Cafe Amsterdamned. While the service was awful, it was amusing to see Chaput shake his thang to the latest sounds from the barrio, and various other colleagues line dance to the Macarana.

Making a swift and sly exit, Phill and I discovered it was snowing and too cold to go home, so we pulled up a pew for one last drink at Pianobar Maxim, perfectly suited for nightcaps, fine conversation and elegant punters such as Pinky and myself. Of course our witty repartee always attracts a crowd and we picked up Antoinette, fresh off the boat from Abu Dhabi, unemployed and full of five-year-old knowledge of local bars. We headed down the road to Bourbon Street, a rocking blues venue, fell in love with the singers, plotted the deaths of their boyfriends, fended off Kiwi hunters and danced like Chaput.

Wednesday 14 March 2007

Forum is up and running

Our forum is at! It's a great place to thrash out the rules, discuss new events and introduce new guests. Check it out!

Night One - 4 Stagioni

Event: Dinner at 4 Stagioni
Location: Johannes Verhulststraat 32, 1071NE Amsterdam
Initiator: Eugene
New Guest: Laura (via Previn)

Phill and Previn were late (as to be expected), Duncan met everyone at the wrong place and Eugene didn't know where we were going - Tuesday Night Club started off a right farce, but once the bikes were locked up on the plein and the wine was flowing, it kicked off. Laura fronted a little later and gave us all a perspective on why Spain is all over Amsterdam and what it is like to actually work.

After dinner, we headed to Cafe Welling for a quiet drink before home.

Of course, on the way back, Phill was keen for a beer at the Leidesplein before home, but sooked it within 100 metres, saving himself for the rest of the week; a triumph for sensibility that will resound through the ages.

The general consensus was a good time was had by all, thanks to Eugene, and everyone was looking forward to Previn's contribution the following week.

The Rules of Tuesday Night Club

After Eugene's first rule of "Tuxedos for the lads" went down like Meldrum after a snakebite, the debate has started over the rules of CvDN. Honesty first? No time changes? New person each time? Raise your rules here!

Origins of Tuesday Night Club

van Beeren. Monday night. A few drinks after work. Phill convinces Duncan that the best thing to do tomorrow night is to start Tuesday Night Club. An opportunity to do something different (than van Beeren) each Tuesday night of the week. All that is left is to enlist a few more likely lads and ladettes and to see where the adventure takes them. Stay posted.